14 Things You Had No Clue America Played a Role in Popularizing

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. From the invention of blue jeans and drive-thru restaurants to establishing some of the world’s most renowned national parks, did you know that America has played a surprisingly huge role in popularizing countless trends, products, and experiences throughout history?  With globalization shrinking … Read more

These 19 Things Make Everyone See Red – Don’t Even Try to Deny It

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Everyone has been there, pushed to their absolute limit by something that’s out of their control, and it makes your blood boil.  It could be a silly argument between friends or perhaps something far more serious like a long-standing injustice.  Whatever the … Read more

Your Frozen Food is Worth its Weight in Gold! 14 Icy Tips to Slash Your Grocery Bill

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Do you ever feel like the rising cost of groceries is draining your bank account?  Well, worry no longer!  With a few simple tips and strategies, frozen food can be an incredibly affordable way to shop without compromising on quality or nutrition.  … Read more

14 Lavish Credit Card Perks You Deserve Right Now

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Living the good life doesn’t come cheap, but it can be achieved with smart planning.  If you’re looking to up your lifestyle and treat yourself with special privileges, a credit card may be exactly what you need.  With lavish perks and sign-up … Read more