Don’t Be Cheap: These 12 Items Will End Up Costing You More in the Long Run

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Living frugally is important if we want to get ahead financially, but that does not mean sacrificing quality when it comes to the items that you buy. Sure, finding bargains and spending smartly will help you stretch your hard-earned dollar further. However, … Read more

12 High Priced Public Colleges to Avoid

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Higher education is an important investment in your future, and it’s essential to get the most out of your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, not all institutions are equal when it comes to value, and many public colleges offer exorbitant tuition rates that don’t … Read more

12 Gold Diggers Who Were There For Money Not Love

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Love is beautiful, and so is money. While these two things always appear to be intertwined in contemporary life, there have been cases of people who leveraged love with the sole purpose of gaining wealth, these are called gold diggers. The lure … Read more

15 Decisions That Can Alter Your Life in an Instant

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Making decisions is an integral part of life. Although we may not always be aware of it, the choices we make can have a significant effect on our future, both positively and negatively. Unfortunately, there are some scenarios where one split-second decision … Read more

12 Obvious Signs It’s Time to Retire

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Are you starting to feel the pull of retirement, but not quite ready to take the plunge? While it can be daunting to face the reality that your working years may soon come to an end, it’s important to make sure that … Read more