Building a Life in The 5 Best States To Live In

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. When looking for the best states to live in, quality of life is one of the most important factors to consider. It encompasses various aspects such as access to healthcare, educational opportunities, safety, and overall well-being. The U.S. News Rankings consider these … Read more

Find it Hard to Save Money? You’re Not Alone

Have you ever thought about where your spending habits come from? We all know that some of us have a hard time saving money, while others find it difficult or painful to spend their hard-earned cash. Some of your money management style comes from your upbringing — the lessons your parents taught (or didn’t teach) you … Read more

How to Get a Business Credit Card with an EIN Only

Business credit cards can be an excellent tool for a business owner. In addition to allowing you to purchase essential items for your business, you can also keep your business expenses and personal finances separate. As a business owner, this is vital for your financial and tax records. However, when applying for a business credit … Read more

How to Handle Your Teenager’s Taxes

My son’s been rocking his first part-time job since April. He works about 20 hours a week, and has managed to save a significant amount of money towards a car, fund a major upgrade for his computer, and still have money in his pocket to socialize with his friends. I was recently telling him that … Read more