Epic Fail: 15 Hilarious Tales of Companies Trying to Cut Costs But Backfired Spectacularly

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, companies constantly seek ways to cut costs and increase their bottom line. From reducing employee benefits to outsourcing production to cheaper countries, companies use countless strategies to save money. However, it’s often the case that … Read more

11 Best Cash-Back Credit Cards of June 2023

Cash-back credit cards are popular because they provide tangible, easy-to-understand benefits. Who doesn’t like getting a credit on their monthly credit card statement or — better yet — actual cash deposited into the account of their choice? Cash-back credit cards can be even more popular than our top-rated gas credit cards and travel rewards cards. … Read more