Are You Missing Out On These Monthly Subscriptions That Most Agree Are Worth The Money?

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. One annoying trend is that everything you buy is moving to a subscription model. Instead of being able to buy something outright, you are paying every single month. This is great for businesses but bad for your wallet. Still, some excellent subscriptions … Read more

13 Work From Home Jobs That Pay $50K or More

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Working from home has become more viable over the years, especially as many full-time jobs have begun popping up online. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job, a part-time job, or even something you can do freelance, you might be asking yourself, … Read more

I’m Trying a Waiting Period And I Like It

I’ve never been one to budget every last cent, and I’ve never been on a spending diet. Most of the time, I’m content to make sure my goals are being met each month  and then I spend whatever’s left. Lately, though, I’ve noticed my old habit of just buying something because I can is creeping … Read more

6 Best Cash Management Accounts of 2023

A cash management account (CMA) combines many of the best aspects of checking and savings accounts. It lets you earn strong interest rates while keeping it easy to access and spend your cash. While CMAs can’t do everything a dedicated checking or savings account can do, many people find CMAs sufficient for their financial needs. Financial companies target CMAs … Read more