32 High Income Skills To Make You Rich


Do you want to make more money? Of course you do!

You should consider learning new skills if you’re looking for ways to increase your income.

Several high-income skills can help you earn more money.

These range from artistic to technical skills, bringing in more money than the average qualification.

In this article, we dive into the best high-income skills to learn and earn the most money possible.

Many of the skills on this list do not require a formal college education, and you can move closer to financial security with little more than tenacity and a goal.

#1. Social Media Marketing

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Social media marketing skills revolve around those you can use to turn a profit using platforms such as Facebook or Instagram.

These skills allow you to:

  • Sell products or services
  • Improve your client’s reputation and following
  • Keep them relevant

Most of your clients are too busy to worry about social media, and that’s all the better for you. Social media is a skill marketers have crafted well, putting money in their pockets while solving a problem for clients.

Social media marketing is not something you need to go to college for, but you need to keep up with market trends, the platforms you work on, and how to respond to different demographics.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#2. Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is similar to social media marketing, but your focus differs. You might hear terms like content marketing or online marketing as they are very similar.

Instead of narrowing it down to a specific platform, digital marketing requires expertise in different areas, and you blend your studies in:

  • Consulting
  • Social media strategy and advertising
  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing

Digital marketing lets individuals make money digitally, usually relying on ad revenue or clicks. You can mix this with other high-income skills, particularly copywriting, to increase traffic, convince readers, and increase revenue.

Digital marketing works well for your own business. Still, there is plenty of companies looking for someone to help them.

Working in content marketing for a business would have you oversee the content calendar and manage people responsible for producing and publishing new content and posting on social media.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#3. Email Marketing

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Email marketing specialists create and send emails to customers on behalf of their company. They also track the results of the emails to see how effective they are.

If you are interested in email marketing, you will need strong writing and communication skills.

Email marketing is closely related to affiliate marketing and copywriting, as your goal is to increase the readership of your emails. You do this by being persuasive and writing engaging content.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#4. Affiliate Marketing

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Suppose you own a blog or have a following on social media.

In that case, you can look to increase your skills in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing occurs when your online presence produces income by recommending other people, services, or products.

You earn money based on the following:

  • Product promotion
  • Service recommendations
  • Commission from your posts

Affiliate marketing takes a lot of trial and error to get the hang of. People won’t just start buying from you because you recommend a product or service.

You need to build trust and attract the people in a buying mode to your offer to convert. The good news is that a college degree isn’t required here.

You can read many books and online case studies and use trial and error to learn how to make it work.

And suppose you can become successful at affiliate marketing. 

In that case, you will be in high demand for any content marketing positions open, as this skill will help the company earn even more income.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

Related: Here are 59 ways to make money on the side

#5. Software Development

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Software development is a skill that will be around for a while, and software developers will likely be more in demand in the future.

Software developers are responsible for various digital tasks. Their skills are used anywhere computers are, including smart devices like phones or tablets. They help you bring your ideas to life on the screen using programming languages such as:

Average annual income: $100,000 to $125,000 or more.

#6. Mobile App Development

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Another high-income skill to consider is mobile app development. More people use their mobile devices to surf the web and live their lives, from ordering food to hailing a ride.

If you have an idea for a mobile app, you can learn how to develop it and then sell it on the app store. Or you can offer your services to businesses that need mobile apps designed.

To become a mobile app developer, you must know how to code in either Objective-C or Swift for iOS apps or Java for Android apps.

It’s worth the effort to break through in this industry, and there are countless courses and even app-building software ready to get you started.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#7. Software Engineering

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If you are an analytical person, software engineering could be for you. Software engineers perform various functions, from designing and maintaining systems to troubleshooting and optimizing software.

While you can teach yourself some of the skills needed for this position, a college education will help tremendously, as high-level math is required.

Average annual income: $100,000 to $125,000 or more.

#8. Data Science

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A data scientist identifies the questions that need to be asked and how to answer them using data.

They theorize and forecast based on the information and use artificial intelligence to help predict the future.

You will need to know programming languages and how to use data visualization tools to be successful. In addition, most employers want to see a college degree as well.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#9. Data Analyst

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A data analyst is very similar to a data scientist. They are responsible for analyzing data and extracting insights, and they work with a team of analysts to understand data patterns and trends.

Most scientists are senior-level, while the analyst is a junior-level position. An analyst still needs specialized skills to perform their job, including strong math skills and the ability to code.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#10. IT Support Professional

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IT support professionals provide technical assistance to users and help solve computer problems. If you have strong problem-solving skills and enjoy helping people, then a career in IT support might be for you.

To become an IT support professional, you will need to have strong math skills and be able to code.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#11. Business Analytics

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Business analysts use data to help businesses make better decisions. They collect data, analyze it, and present their findings to the company.

In our global world, more and more companies need analysts to help them make smarter decisions based on many variables.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#12. Web Development And Web Design

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Web development uses programming tools such as JavaScript, but web designers accomplish a similar product using design tools.

While we have the two clumped together, they’re two tiers of a similar industry. Creating web pages is complex, and even small businesses need help from web developers to maintain relevance.

A web developer creates websites without building tools, reducing the restrictions put on the site.

This skill pays off more in the end, but it requires more upfront effort in learning programming languages and developing your portfolio.

A web designer creates websites using the tools available to them. This form of web design ties into graphic design, but you can use images and tools aside from your own creation.

A web designer may make less, but this is a good starting point for understanding the basics of a strong web design.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#13. Graphic Design

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Graphic design focuses on how you can use visual elements to:

  • Capture attention
  • Please your audience
  • Evoke certain responses

The skill of graphic design works well both online and offline, and you can zero in on areas like logo design, commission-based work, website banners, flyers, and more.

Graphic designers are not web developers but can cross over into web design. You need some artistic talent or skill to start.

Still, most of your development relies on learning how to use online products like Procreate or Photoshop.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#14. Content Creation

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Content creation ties into social media, but you’re more on the hook here for creating online content such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Photo captions
  • Video scripts

You set the tone for how your client acts on their account by creating relevant and compelling content regarding their goals.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

Related: Here is how much $25 dollars an hour is annually

#15. Amazon Web Services Cloud Certification

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You should consider getting an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Certification to work in the cloud.

An AWS Certified Solutions Architect is responsible for designing and implementing AWS cloud solutions. They work with a team of engineers to create scalable and high-performing systems.

The certification test varies between $100 and $300, but this is just for the exam and does not include study materials.

Average annual income: $150,000 to $175,000 or more.

Related: Here is how much $75 an hour is annually

#16. Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest skills in the job market right now. An artificial intelligence engineer is responsible for developing and implementing AI solutions.

They work with a team of engineers to create systems that can learn and improve over time.

As more and more industries adopt AI technology, the need for more engineers will only increase.

Average annual income: $125,000 to $150,000 or more.

#17. UX Design

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UX design is a great way to use creativity to help businesses improve their products and services.

A UX designer is responsible for creating user-friendly designs.

A UX design project manager works with a team of designers and engineers to create products people love using.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#18. Cybersecurity

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A cybersecurity analyst is responsible for identifying and preventing cyber attacks. They work with a team of security experts to keep systems safe from hackers.

You will need strong technical and problem-solving skills to become a cybersecurity analyst. You should also have skills in coding and know how to build websites.

Average annual income: $100,000 to $125,000 or more.

Related: Here is how much $50 dollars an hour is annually

#19. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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Search engine optimization is another high-income skill that ties in nicely with others.

Companies lean on search engine optimization to rank higher in search engine results, translating to higher click rates and more sales.

While companies will pay quite a bit for someone well-versed in this area, you must understand how to achieve this. You can find plenty of online courses to help you learn this valuable skill, and you may need to invest in specific software or research tools.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#20. Sales Skills

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Sales are one of those high-income skills that adapt to the environment. In the past, having good sales skills helped you earn commission on the floor and work your way up in the company.

It remains one of the most valuable derivatives of communication skills.

This highly marketable skill allows you to sell much more than products; you don’t need a specific degree to prove your worth.

You need to stay up to date with your industry, know your market, and understand trends. Because sales are heavily based on performance, the more you know, the more money you can earn.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#21. YouTube Creator

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People love to watch videos to learn new things, so if you are comfortable in front of a camera, this could be for you. But you also need to have other skills too.

You have to be trustworthy and relatable and explain things in a way people can easily understand.

To get started, you only need a camera and an internet connection. Then you can start uploading videos.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#22. Video Producer

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While many want to make videos, not everyone is skilled at producing and editing them.

Using your skills, you will make the video look its best and offer suggestions to the video creator on improving the quality of the video using lighting, microphones, teleprompters, etc.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

#23. Animator

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Some people want a YouTube channel but don’t want to be in front of a camera. So they decide to show animation videos instead.

The only problem is they have no idea how to animate. If you do, then there is a market for you.

With video content exploding in popularity, animators can make serious money.

The easiest way to get started is to post your services on multiple freelance sites and let potential clients find you.

Once you have a client, ask them to refer you to their friends and others who might need your services.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

Related: Here is how much $28 an hour is annually

#24. Real Estate

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Real estate is a great way to make a lot of money. Not only do you earn money for buying and selling houses, but you can also make money flipping and renting out houses.

Since you will be the first to know of properties that come on the market, you can acquire properties before they come on the market.

Success in this profession is about connections and being there for your clients.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#25. Day Trading

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A day trader buys and sells stocks throughout the day.

They quickly buy and sell stocks using fundamental or technical analysis for a quick profit. You don’t need formal education for this career. However, reading books and taking online courses related to the topic will benefit you.

The biggest drawback is that you can lose money if your position falls in value.

The good news is you can limit this with various strategies, but you can never eliminate the risk.

Average annual income: $100,000 to $150,000 or more.

Related: Here are the pros and cons of day trading

#26. Copywriting

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Many organizations teach copywriting, including SkillShare, and you can take this skill almost anywhere.

Not to be confused with copyright, this is one of the soft skills you learn before you graduate high school. Regardless of what you do, your goal is to write words that capture and hold attention.

Copywriting might be the most accessible high-income skill, but it requires a deep knowledge of grammar and communication.

You must understand many other skills to be effective here, including sales and SEO.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $80,000 or more.

#27. Online Course Creation

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Many skills can be taught without the need for formal education. Because you don’t always need formal education, this is where online course creation comes into play.

You identify a problem and then see if a large enough audience is willing to pay to learn how to solve it. If so, you create online courses that teach how to solve the problem.

Alternatively, you could create online courses for others who have already identified the problem and solution but need help designing the online course.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $100,000 or more.

#28. Writer

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You might not think writing would be a high-income skill, but you would be wrong.

It is a very highly desirable freelance skill that many online entrepreneurs need.

To make money online with a website, you need to create content. But writing articles on many topics is time-consuming, so website owners outsource this need.

If you can write engaging articles, you have yourself an income stream. It does help to have knowledge of the subject matter or how to research a topic thoroughly.

Another critical skill is understanding search engine optimization, so the articles you write have a chance to appear in search results.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $75,000 or more.

Related: Here is how much $27 an hour is annually

#29. Website Creation

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You can create websites and flip them for profit in our online world if you have the right skills.

You can either identify poor-performing sites that already exist and improve them, or you can create a brand-new site. Either way, you must complete the back-end work to make the website look, feel, and run smoothly.

Then you will have to add content to produce advertising revenue, on which you will base your sales price. It is a lot of work, but the payoff can be tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Average annual income: $75,000 to $100,000 or more.

#30. Project Management

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A product manager is responsible for the development and success of a product.

They work with engineers and designers to create a product that meets the customer’s needs.

To become a product manager, you must have strong problem-solving skills and communicate effectively.

Average annual income: $85,000 to $115,000 or more.

#31. Blockchain

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When it comes to blockchain, many people think of cryptocurrency. But it extends much further than this.

Blockchain allows digital information to be recorded and shared but not edited.

A blockchain developer is responsible for developing and implementing blockchain technology.

They work with a team of engineers to create a decentralized system that businesses or individuals can use.

Average annual income: $125,000 to $145,000 or more.

#32. Trade Skills

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Many overlook the need for trade skills when considering high-income skills in the modern age. Regardless of the trade you work in, the knowledge you hold is a very relevant skill that deserves recognition.

The world would stop turning without plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and more, and it’s unforgivable to forget that.

These remain some of the most in-demand skills and hold true as higher-income skills. You learn on the job as an apprentice, but the knowledge you gain is priceless as you can start your own business or continue to work for someone else.

Finally, it is worth remembering how high the demand these skills will be in the coming years.

With more people focusing on formal education and other careers, there is a serious lack of tradesmen, making your knowledge only that much more valuable.

Average annual income: $50,000 to $80,000 or more.

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