4 Tips To Successfully Downsizing Your Home

moving boxesYou’ll probably think about downsizing your home at some point in your life. Whether it’s because you now have an empty nest or you simply just don’t need the space, moving to a smaller home can actually feel very freeing. A smaller space means less responsibility but more importantly, it means less costs.

Many Americans are known for living in “McMansions” or homes that are generally too big for their lifestyle. If you are thinking of downsizing, know that successfully downsizing a home can be a difficult task and it’s definitely a process that happens over time. Here are four tips to help you successfully downsize your space if you’re ready to live a simpler lifestyle in a more sensible home.

Understand What You Can’t Live Without

When you start the process of downsizing, you first have to ask yourself: what can’t you live without? Maybe it’s a large kitchen or a backyard. Whatever it is, you need to understand what’s important to you in your new home and then figure out the rest centered on the must haves. Perhaps you don’t need a dining room if you have a larger kitchen to entertain. When downsizing, you’ll have to make sacrifices. Just be sure you’re willing to make them so you’re not stuck in a home you don’t love.

Sell or Donate What You Don’t Need

We all have a lot of stuff and most of the time, we just let it sit there. Instead of always buying new things, go through your items and determine what you can part with. Challenge yourself. Unless it’s an seasonal item like Christmas decorations, you probably don’t need the item if you haven’t used it in six months. Instead of tossing what you don’t use though, sell or donate it instead. You’ll feel less guilty getting rid of stuff when you’re finding it a new home.

Find New Purpose in Old Things

For the items that you do keep, think about whether you can find a new purpose for it. One of the keys to successfully downsizing is finding multiple uses for a single item. Your closet is a great example. Review every piece of clothing you have and determine what outfits you can make from them. Keep pieces that are versatile and can be worn during many occasions. Part with anything you’ll never see yourself wearing again.

Be Very Realistic

Lastly, the most important thing to remember is to be very realistic. You probably don’t need 20 mugs or 10 pairs of sneakers so why let them take up space? Getting rid of stuff and learning to live comfortably in a smaller space can be very rewarding. Challenge yourself to do more with less. Half the battle is mental, so get started and you are already well on your way to a win.

Would you be comfortable downsizing your home and living with less?

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