12 Bewildered People Share Their Most Absurd Fee Experiences


Fees seem to abound in the modern world, but while we’ve become used to some over time, there are some that most would scoff at and find ridiculous or refuse to pay.

Let’s take a look at some absurd fee experiences that others have encountered throughout their lifetimes.

#1. Overdraft Fees and Research Fees Due to Bank Issues

Photo Credit: Maridav via Deposit Photos.

One person describes how they had tried depositing their paycheck as usual, only to find that their paycheck had bounced.

The problem?

Their bank’s equipment had torn up the check, a mistake for which they then charged the person overdraft fees and research fees.

They ended up inevitably moving their cash to a new bank later.

#2. Post-Vasectomy Reversal Fees

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A vasectomy isn’t a particularly expensive procedure, and neither is a reversal.

However, one man had a laugh when they needed to test whether or not the reversal had worked and charged him $5 for a drawing fee, something he did himself.

#3. A Bill for $0

Couples stressed looking at bills
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes, the most ridiculous fees aren’t really fees at all.

One person recounts how they received a bill for $0 and then multiple notices about late amounts and fees on that $0.

They eventually wrote a check for $0, and it went away.

#4. Fees for Electric Bills The Company Claimed Weren’t Due

confused woman with bills
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Have you ever tried to pay your electric bill only to be told you don’t owe anything?

This happened to someone for months, and they documented every interaction as they couldn’t believe they didn’t owe anything.

Eventually, the electric company tried to get them to pay a massive bill plus fees, but they provided evidence that they had tried to pay and were able to negotiate a reasonable bill.

#5. Facility Charge for Healthcare

Confused frustrated young man reading letter in cafe, debt notification, bad financial report, money problem, money problem, upset student receiving bad news, unsuccessful exam or test results
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The healthcare industry is notorious for tacking on a wide range of nonsensical fees and charges to healthcare bills.

In this case, the charge in question was a facility fee for a minor procedure done in the office rather than at a hospital, which is what the charge was for.

The insurance begrudgingly dropped the fee after fighting it extensively.

#6. Research Fee to Find Relatives

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The adoption market is a wild one, and it’s also subject to fees.

One adoptee describes how, upon reaching the age of 18, the agency tried to charge her a $500 finder’s fee to get her in touch with her maternal grandmother when they already had the address on file.

#7. Past-Due Notice and Fees for Unknown Loan

Photo Credit: OtnaYdur via Deposit Photos.

One man talks about how he had purchased a piano for his wife in the past.

The purchase apparently involved a loan from a bank that had never actually notified him about anything, but the bank called him up out of the blue with the past-due loan amount and additional fees.

To his surprise, the bank knew that they had not notified the loan recipients, so he agreed to pay back the initial amount but none of the late fees due to the error on their part.

#8. Insane Credit Card Fees Over Unpaid Penny

Man with credit cards
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People know not to miss payments on their credit cards, but some companies go way overboard.

An excellent example of this is a woman who was charged over $600 in late interest fees on a credit card bill she thought she had paid off.

The late fees were there because someone had miscalculated the actual amount, and it was off by a penny. Luckily, the company eventually waived the late fees.

#9. Fees for Missing Towels

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Paying to take college classes is common, but paying for minor missing things here and there is rarer.

One student at the U of Maine claims that they couldn’t take their final exams because of some missing gym towels that would cost them $25.

Imagine being shaken down and threatened to lose a whole semester’s work over gym towels!

#10. Plate and Utensil Fees at Restaurant

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As prices continue to go up everywhere, it’s really no surprise that we see them in restaurants, too.

One man describes how he visited a restaurant recently and found a plate and utensil fee listed on his bill, things that you naturally expect with every meal.

#11. Fees to Run Properties Not Owned

Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Owning a property should bring in more money, not cost you more.

Still, one person found themselves at the end of a bill and fees on electricity for properties that they not only didn’t own but property that didn’t even exist.

What should have been a quick fix ended up being a two-year-long argument that only ended when they threatened a lawsuit and the mistake was realized.

#12. Ridiculous “Extra Bag” Fee

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Traveling can be expensive, and most airlines have very strict baggage rules they have to uphold.

Still, one traveler was extremely upset when someone at the airline told them that the small passport bag around their neck counted as a bag and they would be charged for it.

Fortunately, they were able to avoid the fee by tucking it into their shirt.

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